Another Random Round

 Last night, a really intense thunder/lightning storm rolled through here and knocked out the power for a bit.  I got the nearest candles out, and for a while, this house smelled like an interesting combination of stroopwaffel, autumn wreath, and anti-headache aromatherapy.  

Briton has gotten me into "Yellowjackets."   I'm seven-and-a-half episodes into Season One.  If any of you have seen it, we can discuss if you'd like.

The yarn I wound up Sunday night is Cloudborn Fibers fingering in Black Raspberry.  You know I love speckled/confetti yarn.  It is destined to be a feather and fan scarf.  (🤞).  Fingers crossed because though feather and fan is a pattern I like, I sometimes lose the rhythm and the count of the stitches.


kmkat said…
When our boys were kids they thought power outages -- a not-infrequent occurrence in summer -- was a treat created just for them. Candles! Flashlights for everyone! hide and seek in the darkest part of the house!
Bridget said…
Yellowjackets is insane! But in the best way possible.

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