Monday, July 10, 2023

Two Choppers

 First, the kitten Chopper.  Last night, Hannah noticed that Chopper's face was swollen.  She was not interested in eating much, and was not letting Hannah look at her.  So, off to the vet today.

The vet couldn't give a definitive answer.  It isn't a tooth abscess or a problem with her lymph nodes.  He gave Hannah some anti-inflammatories to treat her with, and scheduled a follow-up visit.  Hannah said Chopper seemed to be feeling better today, so there is that.  For it to come up so quickly, I thought maybe it was a bug bite, or something like that.  The main thing is that they're home with something to do for it and both very tired.

Second choppers, my teeth.  Y'all have had your teeth cleaned --- no need for a description.  Well, I will tell you I got to have cinnamon tooth polish.  AND, instead of the hygienist scaling my teeth only by hand, she used

A Cavitron.

Yes, a Cavitron.  It's basically a super-charged Waterpik, but has a name from an episode of  "Futurama."  I had to laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn’t the Cavitron great? I haven’t had a hygienist scrape my teeth in several years; they all use the Cavitron.

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