Monday, July 24, 2023

New Reads

 Several years ago, I set myself on a mission to read more novels.  Why novels don't hook me the way non-fiction books do, I can't quite explain.  My goal was to read novels by authors whose last names went from A to Z.  Twenty-six books.  I did it, but can't remember any of them.  I sort of remember the cover of one. . .

I'm revisiting the A to Z thing, only this time with biographies and autobiographies.  Off to the library with me today, where --- bonus --- I  got to visit with my son for a while.  I came home with my "A" and"B," and my "T" thrown in for good measure.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Are you reading in alphabetical order? My guess no, because T, but who knows?

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...