In Order

Kim asks if I'm going to read the biographies in alphabetical order.  I am.  The reason the Danny Trejo book is in is because I've been wanting to read it, and Briton says it's been in and out of the library a lot.  I figured I'd better grab a copy while one was there.  If I do get it read before it's due back, I'll hold off on "reporting" on it until I get to it in line.

By the way, the author of the "A" title I picked up is a woman who lived here in Athens for a while.  She even went to the same high school as my children.  (Not all that remarkable, as there are only two public high schools in town.  But still. . .)  I had no idea at all that that was the case.  I just picked the book because it looked interesting.

Big Twin SIster also reminds us that it is Tiny Needle Tuesday.  My contribution is the same as last week, but with much more progress to show

There are only four colors, and the designs aren't intricate, so it's going fairly quickly.  As of right now, I'm not sure what it'll become when it's finished: framed piece or pillow.  There are lots of things on the walls here, but not too many throw pillows.  We'll see.


Dee said…
The stitching is very cute. It would make an adorable pillow.

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