Saturday, June 17, 2023


 When Hannah (whose birthday it is today --- Happy Day, Bean!) found Chopper the Kitten, there was much discussion among many people about her (the kitten's --- Hannah's pretty well settled) eventual home.  A co-worker said she'd take her, the vet said she'd take her, I said I'd take her.

There was a small problem with everyone's good intentions, though, and I knew it.  If Hannah spent more than 36 hours with the kitten, she'd be completely unwilling to let her go.  This I knew, having known Hannah for, now, 31 years.  If she was going take on the responsibility of bottle-feeding, she was not going to let go easily.  Which is one of the reasons I offered to take the kitten;  Hannah would know where she was, how she was being treated, and that she could see her at any time.

BUUUUUT, it turns out Hannah was not the only one forming an attachment.  Nellie has been watching over the kitten, too.  Cleaning her, making sure she eats, etc.  So now, moving Chopper would mean hurting two hearts.  

Ergo, Chopper will be staying where she is, and poor Theo is feeling left out of the Moms Club.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Yay, Chopper and Nellie and Hannah!

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