Wednesday, June 7, 2023


 Thanks to My Twin's praise for my gazing horse collage, I've decided to be brave and show some more.

"It Evens Out"


"The Means and The End"

"Don't Make Any Fuss"

This one is untitled as of now, and some parts of it please me.

I like the little cut-out I had that mirrors the woman on the background paper.  If you look at it closely, she (the little one) has a basket of cherries, hence the cherry "stuff."  The butterflies became 3D entirely by accident, as the first one I put in place folded up on me.  It's a nice effect, though.

Speaking of cut-outs, does anyone know what this is?  It's an old ("vintage," if you will) something, but I can't figure it out.


Kim in Oregon said...

YAY! Wow these are great. Isn't collage fun? I think my favorite one is the one with the pebbles, but 'don't make a fuss' cracks me up!

kmkat said...

My guess is that it is an antique pincushion with a little drawer underneath to hold needles, thread, scissors, etc. The acorn on a wire? No idea.

On eBay:

Or this one:

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...