Friday, June 16, 2023


 My son would like to show you that being a librarian isn't all shushing people and shelving returns.

You're welcome.


Kim in Oregon said...

Interestingly, the Pacific City facebook feed has a video of someone wearing that same thing at the graduation parade. I had never seen it before and now I've seen it twice in a week. HMMMMM.

kmkat said...

There is a young black male librarian -- probably a children's librarian -- who shows up in my Insta feed occasionally. He always has an encouraging/endearing anecdote about something that happened at his library. He seems like the nicest, kindest person. I cannot find him now, but the next time he shows up I will send you his handle.


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...