Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 Tap embodies my feelings about the visit to the oral surgeon today, learning it's going to cost over $5000 to pull my tooth and put it the "base" for an implant.


Lora said...

Ugh…I’m sorry. Dental work is never fun, even less so when it costs thousands of dollars.

Bridget said...

Ah yes. I completely understand your dilemma/pain. I got an implant about 3 years ago, am still paying it off, and guess what? After having fallen last October, I can now look forward to three more down the road. Makes my student loan debt from years ago look like pennies. Our dental "insurance" pays about $10 towards each one.

What a country!

Kim in Oregon said...

I went through that whole process and finally got the tooth put in three weeks before pandemic shutdowns. I had no idea it took so long. Good luck with it! FYI, I chose not to be put in the 'twilight' sleep for it, and it was less expensive (and I didn't get sick like I usually do with that). (Plus I didn't need anyone to drive me home). I was all novocained up, of course, and did meditative breathing the whole time (but I do that when I get my teeth cleaned). I had to ask if it was ok, as I think putting one out is the default.

Let me know if you have any questions about the whole thing.

kmkat said...

Now I understand why even comfortably off professionals may have a missing tooth. Yikes!

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