Sunday, April 9, 2023


It was a lovely, windy, rainy day yesterday, which I took advantage of by knitting and reading and watching hockey and starting the series "Lenox Hill" on Netflix.  I am definitely hooked into some of the doctors, and a patient or two.

This follows me flying through "The Patient" (Hulu) last Wednesday.  "Flying" as in "Finishing the whole thing before the sun went down."  Most everyone knows by now that Steve Carell is an excellent dramatic actor, and he is really good in it.  For me, though, Domhnall Gleeson is the draw.  He is astounding.  I haven't seen or heard anyone talking much about him, and that's a true shame.  He's brilliant. 

I read the book that this apparently springboarded off of, and liked it.  I don't remember it having this specific story in it, but I read it a while ago.  Either way, watch.


Kim in Oregon said...

There's a new medical reality show on Netflix too--maybe called Emergency NYC or something like that? Love those medical shows. Will have to start on the Patient.

kmkat said...

Ooh, a new-to-me Netflix series to watch! Thanks!


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...