Saturday, April 22, 2023

Having Given In

Having given in to my night-owl-ish-ness, my bedtimes many nights flutter around 1:30 or 2 AM, and my rising (for the second time, having had to get up and give Maddie her food and injection around 7) moves to 11:30 AM or Noon.  My biggest energy push comes around 8 PM, meaning when I hit pause in whatever I'm doing, it's almost always after Midnight.  And that's why I haven't posted in a few days: if I'm up into the next day, writing about the previous day seems disingenuous

I've been collaging, mostly bookmarks.  I have had an awakening with regard to myself and this chosen art form.  I don't like to cover stuff up.  If I've cut something out or saved something to use potentially, it's because I like it.  Covering it up seems such a waste.  This, as you can imagine, is not a helpful trait for someone trying to create collages.  As Big Sister Twinnie reminds me: layer, layer, layer.

Knitting-wise, I've begun a Wingspan.  It's my third or fourth one, I think.  An easy knit, but with striking results.  Making it with Willow Yarns Everest in Clematis:

We all know how often yarns don't photograph well.  This is actually much, much pinker than is showing here, and it continues my run with purples this year.


kmkat said...

My husband is a night owl, too. This was a problem when he was a public health nurse and a school nurse, where the workday runs from 8 to 4:30. But he worked in-patient child/adolescent psych night shifts for a number of years, and that worked well for him. In retirement, he gets up ~6 or 7 to give the dogs their meds and let them out, then goes back to bed for many hours.

Kim in Oregon said...

Layer, layer, layer, layer. Trust me.

Bridget said...

Oh you should hang out with Tim - he's a night owl too. But then he gets up and goes to work early, so ...

Can't wait to see your wingspan!

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...