Sunday, March 12, 2023

Some Things I Don't Understand

If you're in a room of people and want to have a private conversation with someone, you say, "Could you excuse us, please?"  Why do other people leave?  Any other time you say, "Excuse me,"  you're the one who leaves.  

Seriously.   This bothers me.

"Salting the earth" is a bad thing.  Putting salt into the earth, making it part of the earth = bad.  Yet calling someone "salt of the earth" is a compliment.  Weird.

My daughter, who worked all during Quarantine (restaurants having been classified as "essential"), was in "contactless contact" with The Public, has not gotten COVID.  My son, who did his library work from home as long as was safe and possible, and whose return was, by and large, masked, got COVID just before Christmas.  I, who seldom goes anywhere, have had two positive tests in the last two days.  This is what I get for leaving the house?  😉

1 comment:

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...