
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today, my husband would have turned 75.  This is a crazy truth.  (Not an inconvenient truth, which came from Al Gore, who also turns 75 today.) The arithmetic checks out all the way down, though.  It's that thing where number-y stuff makes you realize how long you've been around yourself.  I mean, I have children in their 30s, both my parents would be in their 90s. . .  It all adds up.  (Pun unavoidable.) Still crazy, though.

Tiny Needle Tuesday

Still refusing to give Scary Gingerbread Guy screen time.

Yes, I Know

 I know where Covenant School is in Nashville.  I know precisely where it is;  I used to work around the corner.  The "Nashville Strong" shirts are probably printed already, but may I offer a suggestion?  Take that ink and write your legislators: local, state, federal.  Remind them that they are only employed because of how you voted.  You sent them there, you can send them home.  If they don't start working for the protection of your children, they'll be done. Please.  The only way we change this is to send new people to office.


I'm still not used to having things to show on Tiny Needle Tuesday, so this comes a shade late.  Still, here is my continuing work: A cute penguin and part of a Christmas cracker and the creepy gingerbread man being kept out of sight.

The Old Days

Being a sick grown-up is not at all as fun as being sick growing up;  I'll tell you that right now.  You have to do everything for yourself, for cryin' out loud.  Not just getting fluids and stuff, but things like having to take out the dog, and move trash and recycling containers to and from the curb. Also?  When I was growing up, at least, all thermometers were mercury thermometers. And the thing about mercury thermometers was that you could hold them against light bulbs and make the reading go up.  Great for having* to miss a day of school.  AND, if the reading went too high, you could shake the thermometer gently until it got where you needed it to be.  Ever try to fake a temperature with a digital thermometer?  Next to impossible. *"Having" being used here to mean "wanting".

To Quote Lizzo

It's about damn time.

Still Ailing

 Don't know how I got here, or where I'm headed, but this pandemic stuff is no joke.  I am miserable.

Some Things I Don't Understand

If you're in a room of people and want to have a private conversation with someone, you say, "Could you excuse us, please?"  Why do other people leave?  Any other time you say, "Excuse me,"   you're  the one who leaves.   Seriously.   This bothers me. "Salting the earth" is a bad thing.  Putting salt into the earth, making it part of the earth = bad.  Yet calling someone "salt of the earth" is a compliment.  Weird. My daughter, who worked all during Quarantine (restaurants having been classified as "essential"), was in "contactless contact" with The Public, has not gotten COVID.  My son, who did his library work from home as long as was safe and possible, and whose return was, by and large, masked, got COVID just before Christmas.  I, who seldom goes anywhere, have had two positive tests in the last two days.  This is what I get for leaving the house?  😉

First of All

 There is  a second leg coming. What you need to focus on here is the face.  Is that the creepiest smile or what?   I'm getting this design done as quickly as possible, because I don't like having that looking at me. Speaking of not looking, Mr. Tap occasionally says, "No pictures."  Today he spoke so.


Yesterday, I watched the original   "King Kong".   It's really very good.  I can recommend it if you're so interested.  And I can most certainly tell you why Fay Wray got the part of Ann.  She was very pretty, and a solid 1930s actress, but, man, could she scream.  Full-throated and powerful, those screeches. Sunday, I had watched  "Duck Soup,"  my favorite from beginning-to-end Marx Brothers film.  There are scenes, or moments, in all of the other films that I can never get enough of, but "Duck Soup" is top-notch throughout.  Okay, there's an extremely racist joke.  There's a troublesome musical number in "A Day at the Races," but has there been a better movie line than "Either he's dead or my watch has stopped"?  "Swordfish" in "Horse Feathers, anyone?  "Make that three hard-boiled eggs" in "Monkey Business"?  "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas" in "Anima


 Tiny needling?  Why, yes, I've been doing some. This is the Advent piece I mentioned a while back.  Obviously, since you start cross-stitch pieces from the center, it can't be worked from 1 to 24, but you can still do one design a day. The colors don't thrill me;  if I ever make another one, it will be on red fabric with all-white stitching.  Still, I can work with these colors by matting (if I decide to frame it) or choosing good backing material (if it becomes a pillow.)


 I have been really weepy lately.  I'm pretty mooshy and easy to get to over a lot of things, but lately, tears have been coming for what seems like no reason. It's not that I mind it.  What's the saying: 'Crying is a wash, laughing is a dry cleaning"?


 Really, Tennessee?  Really?