Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Thinking, Working, Planning

I'm not sure other people in my age cohort feel this way, but it seemed to me growing up that Raquel Welch was THE Beautiful Woman.  Reading that she has died made me sad.  Also, from recent history, I was quite upset about Lisa Marie Presley's death. 

On to Less Heavy.

Bought myself some cashmere (Clinton Hill Cashmere) and am making myself a bandana-shaped cowl.  You all know how lovely cashmere feels, so I needn't go on.

Though I'm not fully re-immersed in counted cross-stitch, I'm edging that way.  Back in mid-November, I bought an Advent pattern, with the true goal of working on it daily.  For lots of twisty reasons, I wasn't able to do that, but I do want to get to it.  

That itch, plus Briton beginning to stitch, has had me looking in online stores.  This may be the best pattern of all (as of yet):

How amazing, huh?  Twinnie, I may be joining you on Tiny Needle Tuesday.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

OOoooooooooooooo cashmere

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...