Saturday, February 4, 2023

Reading the Owner's Manual

The new car is the reason I found out about the ostrich and alligator upholstery.  The man in charge of accessories at the dealership is a fellow fiber artist, and he and I had a lovely conversation about textures and colors.  Upholstery can also come in bright yellow or red or blue or pink or orange --- you don't have to limit yourself to black, tan, or gray.  It turns out that the man owned one of my favorite little shops downtown, now, sadly, defunct.  

There are adjustments to make when you have a new car.  I've usually always said that once I get used to the brakes when I'm driving something different, I'm good.  With this, it's the gas pedal.  Oh, and the digital EVERYTHING.  There's a back-up camera.  And no CD player.  I have to get music through Bluetooth, which I have absolutely no experience with whatsoever.  Look, I could pack my own music in the Highlander, including cassettes.  


Kim in Oregon said...

I love the backup camera! I do have a CD player but never use it!

kmkat said...

Oh, no, not a Hyundai Tucson, which has ridiculously aggressive and ugly wheel covers. Your new car has attractive ones. Wanna trade?

Bridget said...

I avoid driving whenever possible (and anyone who has ever ridden with me avoids me driving EVER). But in his current job, Tim drives all kinds of cars, and he says the hardest thing for his to remember is that electric cars do not make noise to let you know that they are turned on - so every once in a while he'll sit for longer than he should before he realizes he could get going ...


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...