Sunday, January 8, 2023

About Cornbread

Dee commented in the post before last that she bakes her cornbread into muffins.  Legitimate. And pretty.

I do muffins, too, on occasion.

My mother, and every other female relative who ever chipped in on a dinner  I was part of, made cornbread in a skillet.   Hence, my long history with the cornbread wedge.  

Not to mention my love affair with cast iron skillets.  

I never liked cornbread until someone provided me with some that was sweet.  Daddy used to crumble it into a glass of buttermilk.  Despite my disliking both the bread and the buttermilk, I was usually able to eat 1 or 2 spoonfuls of that.  (Which may have been more about sharing moments with him than anything.)

However you do bake and eat cornbread, or anything else, share it with people you love. 


Bridget said...

I love cornbread and corn muffins. I had a wonderful recipe that even The Tim liked, which of course means I can't find it.

But at least I can still make some that *I* like! ;-)

kmkat said...

I made cornbread while we were reunion-ing with our offspring. There was no muffin tin nor bread pan in the (actually well-stocked kitchen), so I made it in a 10" frying pan in the oven. I may never make muffins again.

Kim in Oregon said...

I feel bad saying this but I've only made cornbread from a mix. In a baking pan. And now I feel lesser.

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