Monday, December 5, 2022

We Need to Talk About Abraham

 Well, we don't need to, but we're going to.

This is Abraham.  Abraham Jennings, or Abe-J, or, to Hannah, O-Abe.

He had the loudest purr I have ever heard.  Just a motor.  He joined us to become a little brother to Barrymore.

Barrymore was our first cat and, I'm unashamed to say, still the gold standard for me.  They got along brilliantly.  They were both very chill and low maintenance, despite their luxurious coats.  I don't remember a single fight;  maybe just resigned sighs if they had to figure out a way to share napping space.  Barrymore was bigger, but Abe could claim a good-sized area.

Abraham also got along with other household members:

That would be a baby Briton, in the Kanga-rocka-roo he once launched himself out of.  Abe (resembling a flatfish) looks a little impatient for his stocking to be opened.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Abraham is a gorgeous kitteh!

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