Thursday, December 1, 2022

It Starts

 December, I mean.

I've decked a wall:

That's my desk, spun around and with a Nativity on its back "ledge."

I probably show these ornaments each year, 

and probably also tell you that the pajamas Hannah had on were the same ones I wore for my first Christmas.

This is my new Nativity for the year:

I took this picture so that I can refer to it and put all the pieces back in correctly when Christmas is over.  Down in the right corner, notice Baby Jesus crying, or practicing His scales, or making scary ghost sounds, or something. 

Of course there are feathers.

Back when I was making cross-stitch ornaments every year, I made this one in honor of our gray Persian, Abraham, who died that year.
I need to find a picture of him to show you.  He was a piece of work.


Kim in Oregon said...

Regarding Athena book: I think most of the on campus action was in the frat house.

kmkat said...

Very merry and bright!

Not Surprises

The nasty weather didn't materialize here, though I read that some people in Athens had their power knocked out.  Other counties had muc...