Monday, November 21, 2022

Free Range?

I'm sitting here watching football, knitting round and round on my rollneck sweater.  The yarn is pulling out of the skein nicely.  My feet are warm.  All the pets are snoozing.  Yet all I can think about is Joe Biden pardoning the turkeys Chocolate and Chip today.  

One of them --- I think it was Chocolate --- was up on the set table.  Which means Chip was left unwatched.  And while he was remarkably good at staying in one place for a good while, Chip eventually began to stroll.  And I wondered then, as I wonder now, was there a turkey wrangler on hand?  Did Chip get in trouble?  And what's the relationship between Chip and Chocolate now?

"You know, I got to stand on the decorated stand.  The President sort of petted me."

"Shut up, Chocolate,  I can't listen to this all the way back to North Carolina."


I was so caught up in my Bogart adventure that I forgot to talk about the other Big Thing from yesterday.  The final trip to the oral surgeo...