Saturday, October 1, 2022

Stuff and Things

 Happy October!  Like Bridget, this marks the beginning of my favorite stretch of months.  Hello, Fall and Winter.

We've had a couple of windy days here, and we are far away from where Ian was.  As much as I'd love to have a house on a beach, that type of weather, and its increasing frequency, keep me from making a real move toward that end.

I did find some of those "Books Everyone Should Read" and "Movies Everyone Should See" lists, and I didn't fare too well on either.  Of course, my final total depended entirely on what list I was looking at.  Still, I've seen more of the movies than I've read the books, which truly surprised me.  Also, a significant number of the books that I have read I read as assignments in Middle or High School.  I've also read the three Lord of Rings books, only because I took a class on them in college.

Twinnie asked if I read Crime and Punishment for fun.  I doubt it, and yet I don't remember exactly why I did.  Probably because I saw it on a "Best" list and thought I'd give it a shot.

Also, I haven't read a single Jane Austen or Bronte book.  Well, I know for sure about the former and am almost positive about the second.  If anything, I've read Wuthering Heights, but cannot say for absolutely sure.

Watching lots of football.  Doing a little knitting.  Working on a purple rollneck sweater and a little shawlette.  Mostly, though, in perfect honesty, I'm playing Word Wars on my phone.  

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

I think you should try a little Austen and a little Bronte (and I must admit I have never, ever made it all through Wuthering Heights, although I do know all the words to the Kate Bush song so there's that).

This is Me

It's me because of that one word beneath the temperatures.  The snow is falling so beautifully,  and is supposed to keep falling into th...