Thursday, October 6, 2022

Leaning Into It

I have decided that I am going to embrace my night-owl-ness and do away with the idea of Bedtime.  I actually landed on this a while back, and it has been freeing.  I don't have a job to get to, have barely any real requirements in my life, so what difference does it make?  

I set an alarm to get up and give Maddie her insulin, take Tap out, then go back to bed.  If I sleep until Noon (or later) so what?  I don't know that my natural cicadian rhythms are at work yet, but throwing off the shackles of schedules has been nice.


Kim in Oregon said...

Good for you! Why not?

kmkat said...

My husband is a night owl, too. Since he retired nearly 10 years ago, he is no longer sleep-deprived; most of his jobs were daytime work. His daytime sleeping now gives me alone time, which I need. It works out pretty well!


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...