Wednesday, October 12, 2022

It's a Southern Thing?

I boiled some okra today.  Yeah.  Me.  High point of the day, probably, though I did make some delicious cheese bread tonight.

Dale's mother made insanely good boiled okra.  She was what my father-in-law once called "a good country cook."  I loved her stuffing, too;  if memory serves, they all called it "dressing."  Is there a difference?  Or was this one of those different words for the same thing deals?  The Deans called the midday meal "dinner" and the evening meal "supper.:"  I call them "lunch" and "dinner," respectively, and there were occasional miscommunications between Dale and me over those words.

Almost every meal at the Deans' had chicken.  I realized a few years back that I can't remember ever having chicken when I was growing up.  Mama cooked mostly beef, with some pork every now and then.  I don't recall any fish, though there very well may have been some.  I'm still not that big on chicken.  When I was pregnant with Briton, the smell of any food frying made me very sick, and there may still be some residual of that hanging about.

Anyway, I boiled a slimy vegetable today.  You?  


Kim in Oregon said...

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that chicken wasn't on heavy rotation when you were growing up!

kmkat said...

I think dressing and stuffing are the same thing, although food experts tell us not to stuff the stuffing in the bird now -- temp may not get hot enough for safety. The /lunch and supper/dinner thing is, I think, a contrast between rural and urban America. On the farm, dinner was the big meal in the middle of the day and supper was lighter. That is how it was in my family, country folk all. City folks eat more lightly at noon and have a bigger meal at night.

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