Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Heroes Abound

It should go without saying that you ought to support your local library just on principle.  However, when their book sales roll around, and it's everything-you-can-fit-in-a-paper-grocery-bag-for-$10 day, get thee there posthaste.

I actually bought another dozen or so to take to Little Free Libraries, but these are pretty much for me.

The Gem, though?  The Most Excited About one?

 This can't mean anything to any of you, unless you took a few Sociology classes, but Erving Goffman is it for me.  My favorite Sociologist.  The man who planted the seed for my Master's thesis.  That I found this book just thrills me.  Never miss a chance to go treasure hunting, my friends.


Kim in Oregon said...

Big fan of EG! He wrote a lot about gender and advertising.

kmkat said...

Never heard of him, but congrats on your most excellent find!

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...