Monday, September 5, 2022


Say that word with any neutral-to-resigned-to-infuriated tone, and you've got me today.  The site I've used to build all my KH/KC/KC questions over the years has completely changed, and the new parameters I have to stay within are a mite constricting.  

The site won't allow me to use certain shapes and sizes of photos.  Therefore, my desire to give you as-alike-as-possible pictures in match-ups is going to be really, really hampered.  Sorry.

The template I have to use now doesn't allow voters to see the running vote totals.  Sorry.

There is going to be a big ol', honking Crowdsignal logo on each poll, taking up space and your time.  Sorry.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

It was, let us say, not the easiest of all polls to navigate, but once I figured it out it went pretty well.

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