Thursday, September 29, 2022

Make a List

Tap and I took a stroll to the Little Free Library in our neighborhood today.  I didn't find anything to take, but did find something amusing.  Same book:

Can you imagine how much smaller the print must be in the one on top?

I have read Crime and Punishment, by the way.  Those lists of "Classic / Great Books Everyone Should Read" always find me wanting, given my preference for non-fiction.  But this I have read.  And of my own choosing.  Not a school assignment or nothin'.

Now I want to look up those lists and see what I have read.  "Classic / Great Movies Everyone Should See" is another one I don't do well against.


1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

So you read C&P for fun? Wow. I think the only 'classic' I read for fun was Anna Karenina and even that I skipped around a lot.

Except if you don't count the Jane Austen/Bronte sisters ouvre.

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