Thursday, September 22, 2022

I'll Do Me

Both Bridget and Kim just had lovely posts about local yarn shops and spinners and sudents, and it made me think about teaching people to knit.  I've taught several people how: my daughter, friends, students, even my therapist (!).  I applied to Michaels once to be a knitting instructor, and it required certification from the Knitting Guild, which I didn't have then (and don't have now.)

I don't think you should charge someone to teach them how to knit.  That's just one of my "things."  I can see and understand charging for advanced knitting techniques, but just how to knit and purl?  Cast on and off?  Count rows?  Nah.  It may come from my lifelong experience with a knitting mother, knitting aunts, a kntting grandmother.  It was always around me, and it was handed down.  It was never something I had to go to anyone else for.

Now, I'm not chastising anyone who looks for classes.  I'm not bad-mouthing anyone who gives lessons.  Y'all do you.

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