Monday, September 19, 2022

Break Up the Team!

(You know --- when a sports team has too much success.  People say to break it up to give others a chance.  Really.  It happens.)  But can you break up a single person?  'Cause. . .

William Nighy is the Knitters' Companion for the second consecutive year!

Now, he went into the draw automatically, having won last year, so Chris Evans' nominator will get the Grand Prize.  Congratulations, Terry!  (And thanks for getting your niece involved this year;  I hope she had fun.)

The Second Prize will go to Jason Momoa's nominator
 since he made it the second farthest.  Congratulations, Camille!

I'll try to have the official de-brief tomorrow, but I'm going to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral and don't know how weird my sleeping and staying awake are going to be.

Thanks again as always everyone.  See you next year!


1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Hooray! Congrats to the winners!


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