Thursday, January 13, 2022

What Not to Do

I am extremely down today.  It's hard to explain, as it's not so much mental as mental stuff flooding down into my body.  Not pain, just utter lethargy.  There were a couple of things I had planned to do today --- a couple of things that would simply get me out of the house --- and it is not going to happen.  There'll be no long walk(s) for Tap.  My body is sad.

So sad that, no, I won't even be driving the mile between here and Wal-Mart to take a gander at the National Championship trophy.  The trophy was on display at the Wal-Mart on the other side of town yesterday and is here today.


Crafty in the Med said...

I know those sort of days and how difficult it is to go forward! Start small ... a short walk and go from there. Take care. Amanda x

Bridget said...

I hear you. Take it easy today, and who knows, maybe tomorrow you and Tap can take a walk to a new route and explore, even if it's just a different block.

Kim in Oregon said...

I've been having one of those weeks--lots of things that I want/should do, but no mojo to do them. Hopefully this will pass soon.

kathy b said...

!ike the others, I'm strugg1ing a bit too. Most1y in the morning. This covid iso1ation is not good for me. . But we have to stay in. We COU!D drive to the 1ake and watch the sunset. We COU!D make a fire in the woods tonight . Nothing appea1s. Except for knitting and communicating with you and others. I may make a Phone ca11 later
Hang in there Kim. You are not a1one

Another Day

The other side of the waiting room, and this one is crooked, too!