Saturday, January 1, 2022

It Starts

 As if football weren't the single topic of mass conversation in this town anyway, now there's going to be a week of non-stop jawing.  Yes, I live here, and yes, I got a degree from and taught at Alabama, but this is so tiring.  Can there be new and different championship teams?  Maybe?  One day?

New year, same stuff.

Remember the beautiful journal My Twinnie (a line of dolls just waiting to be launched) gave me?  I've landed on using it for haikus.  Daily haikus.  We'll see how creative I really am.

Still working on the slouchy hat.  It's an easier pick-up project than the poncho.  And as if having one project languishing on the needles isn't enough, I've spent time today looking through patterns for another cast-on.  We knitters, huh?


Kim in Oregon said...

I'm guessing that you know that in true Twinnie karma, the Georgia Defense coach is heading to Oregon to be head coach? PS I love the font for your comments.

kathy b said...

the three of a new cast on is the knitters joy!!!!!!!

Not Surprises

The nasty weather didn't materialize here, though I read that some people in Athens had their power knocked out.  Other counties had muc...