Monday, January 3, 2022

Day to Day

Last night, I realized it was 11:45 pm and I hadn't made a blog post.  I had 15 minutes to come up with something that would make a genuine "today" entry, but nothing had happened to me that warranted talking about.

Nothing has happened today that is burning to be spoken of either, honestly.  I watched "The Lost Daughter" on Netflix this morning.  I adore Olivia Colman and love Ed Harris, so it's a movie that's been on my radar for a while.  I recommend it, though it's slow and moody.  Colman is just amazing.

I finished the slouchy hat last night, so the poncho is now The Only Project.  Perhaps I'll have a photo of the hat one day.

I'm not one of those to rush into new years with crazy energy or resolutions.  I've never been that much of a long-term planner, honestly.  I've never had a five-year plan for anything.  What's in front of me is what I think about.



Bridget said...

I am also an Olivia Colman fan, I think she is an amazing actress. Haven't seen that movie yet, but I think I want to see it.
Ugh - i used to HATE it at job interviews when they would ask, "where do you see yourself in five years?" I finally just starting answering "Hopefully still above ground." And after a minute, it was clear they "got" it. But it's a stupid question under the best of circumstances.
Rant over, enjoy your day. :-)

kathy b said...

Some days are tough. I'm one day at time these days. So much down the road for me has never been foreseen. I try, to set some goals. I 1ove your boots on insta

Kim in Oregon said...

I love OC and EH but did not love "The Lost Daughter". A bunch of unpleasant people being unpleasant--just not for me. Sorry to rend the twinniness.

You're in Time Out

The cross-stitch piece I showed you Tuesday was to have ended up like this: However, it is now in a steep and indeterminate time out.  I los...