Monday, December 20, 2021


We bought this little toy during a trip to Helen, Georgia.  (There's a year-round Christmas shop there.)  We liked it enough to buy it, of course, but it took on something additional a few years ago.  It started snowing and ice-ing on Christmas Eve, and Hannah's boyfriend at the time plus two of Briton's friends were here and got sort of stuck.  One of Briton's friends (probably  my favorite of his friends, tbh) really took to it*, and I'm doubly happy to see it every year because of that.

 In other Santa items:

(These are gummies from my Holly Dolly advent calendar.)

*As in making Santa and the bear not only "dance" as they do, but having them make a running commentary on the events of that night.

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...