Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Said Socks

 These are the socks I finished on Christmas Day.  It's entertaining that they are almost perfect inversions of one another.

The de-Christmas-ing of the house has begun.  The goal is to pack everything up in fewer boxes than I unpacked.  The tree always goes last, because I hate to let go of the lights.

Briton found out the day after Christmas that his housemate is COVID-positive.  He was rattled, to say the least.  A negative test today seems to have eased his mind a bit.  The way the house is laid out, it's not difficult for him and Jeff to keep their distance.  Fingers crossed and wood knocked for both of them.


Kim in Oregon said...

Oof on Briton. Fingers definitely crossed.
We de-Christmas on 1/1, just saying.

kathy b said...

Fingers and toes crossed!

kathy b said...

So sorry. I had to change the name of the new posts . Ugh. Techno newbie here:


Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...