Monday, December 13, 2021

People on the Christmas Tree*

    A few ornaments for you today.  First, this Santa who looks like most Santas at a distance.  Up close, however, note the luxurious lashes and on-point lipstick game.  The nose has a little smudge of paint missing, which is the only flaw.

Then there's Groucho.  I kept watch for a Harpo or Chico, but this was as far as Marx Brothers' tree ornament merriment went.

Two lovelies here, ornaments celebrating their respective first Christmases.

This is neither a Christmas decoration nor a Christmas tree.  This is what I came across on one of my walks with Tap yesterday.
How did it get there?  Why is it in that particular state?  And as much as I enjoy finding feathers on our routes, this was pretty exciting.

*Sung to the tune of "Sesame Street's" "People in Your Neighborhood." 


Kim in Oregon said...


kathy b said...

Santa is awesome. Finding a bit of cash......very fun. There are no ornaments on the trees , but we did put up two . And 1ots of 1ights. It is a quiet scene

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