Thursday, December 9, 2021

No Surprises

It's probably not a surprise that I have lots of Nativity scene ornaments.


My ain each year, ornament or table top decoration, is to buy scenes utterly different from ones I already have.  You don't necessarily think that there are almost endless possibilities, but sometimes it seems there are.

Speaking of trees, and moving to things that go under them. . .  In my years as a gift  wrapper at the jewelry store, as well as my years as a mother, I've disguised all kinds of things.  A ring box in a series of larger and larger boxes, DVDs in shoe boxes --- you get the point.  Tonight, though, I just gave up on the trickery.  Briton asked for weights (10-pound dumbbells), I got them for him, and you try to maneuver a 20-pound package around a sheet of wrapping paper.  And forget about any element of surprise when he picks the package up Christmas morning.  Hey, I did what I could.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Twinnie, please seat down. I WAS A GIFT WRAPPER TOO. At Marshall Field's (department store) in Evanston, Illinois. I bet Kathy B shopped there once or twice.


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