Sunday, December 12, 2021


 Today is 14 days since my flold/clu fever broke, so I scheduled an COVID booster appointment.  Then, what the heck, let's get a flu shot, too.  The only sort of stutter against that plan was how I always start feeling fluish after I get the flu shot.  So far today, though, nothing but sore arms.

I mentioned when I was sick that I may have done some online shopping.  I did.  I got another matchbox Nativity.

The one on the right is the new one. 
 They are both so stinking cute:
The Baby in each just tickles me.  In the new (white) one, we have sort of unisex Holy Parents, but that's cool.

In other Nativity news, a pillar candle holder that we've had for years.  (We've never lit the candle once.)

Another kind of unusual one:

 And a just plain beautiful one:

If you search for "Nativity scene" on etsy or Amazon or any big site, you'll find lots of Holy Child figures just by themselves.  Loose Jesuses, which I guess makes sense.  If a child is going to pull something out of a Nativity to play with, it would be the baby.  Well, and the animals, when those are available.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

"Loose Jesuses" thanks for the laugh!

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