Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Yeah, More of These

A country mile is just as long as any other mile.  (Like the "Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead" deal.)   

I shouldn't want to be of someone's "ilk."  The word is unpleasant, don't you think?

You're going along thinking things are okay, then you get a new pair of scissors, and they cut so cleanly and glide so nicely that you realize you'd been living a lie.

I've learned two new words lately, and they are coolly similar: "apothic" and "aphotic."

Were they called "fairy tales" because they were told by fairies, or because they were about fairies?

Why is it necessary to call them "breakfast cereals"?  Are there lunch and dinner cereals?

Why do ribbing and seed stitch go at such different speeds, when they're both K1, P1 again and again?

Do you knit or purl faster?  I'm a speedier purl-er.

Does anyone remember ice milk?  That was a thing once, right?

Other things can fall and might or might not make a noise.  Trees shouldn't get all the glory.


Kim in Oregon said...

Oh definitely the scissors thing! I guess it is the slooowwww wearing down of the sharpness.
I knit faster.
and oh definitely the seed stitch/ribbing thing. I think for me it might be that seed stitch does not 'make sense' to my brain. I noticed it wiht the two color thing I'm knitting now. If the row is exactly the same as the row below, I can zip through it, but if it is even one stitch different (in a repeat) it takes twice as long.

kathy b said...

I knit faster too! I avoid pur1ing. Your comment on cerea1 is cute. But we have cerea1 for dinner often!


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...