Wednesday, November 17, 2021

*throb* *pound* *ache*

Somewhere along my life's way, I began having frequent and debilitating headaches.  I don't know when that was, which is odd.  (Likewise, I don't know when my depression set in.  I remember episodes from my first year of grad school;  I even remember a couple from when I was very young.)

ANYway. . .

I've had an atrocious headache for a couple of days.  At my appointment with my psychiatrist last week, I was given a new prescription to help lift me out of the whatever-you-want-to-call-this-gray-pit-I've-been-in, and I've wondered if the headache could be tied to that.  But there were too many days between the start of that and the onset of the headache.

So, I'm just miserable and for some reason decided all this was worth making a blog post about.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Hey twinnie. Sorry that is happening, but hopefully it will clear up soon. I want to suggest weather changes but I'm sure you've been through the whole list of things it might be by now.

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