Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It's That Time

Out driving the other night, I saw that a Chick-fil-A near us had turned on its holiday lights.  ("Turned on" instead of "put up" because they're never taken down.)  I can't possibly do their you-can-likely-see-them-from-Space quality justice, so look up a video on YouTube where you'll get the whole building.  (Just about any combination  of "Chick-fil-A," "Athens, GA" and "holiday lights" should get you there.)  They're very pretty in that way that things that are extremely gaudy can still move you. 

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

I will probably be very annoyed when I start getting a lot of ads for C-F-A which is a company I do not like but I have to give them props for a quality light display. If you can't go overboard at Christmas, when can you?

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