Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Sign, Sign, Everywhere. . .

I'm still wrestling with computer woes.  Did you ever feel like there's nothing in your life that's working as it should?  And you can't think of any way(s) to make things right again?  And that, even if you could think of something, you just don't have the energy to take action?

All I really want to do is go to and stay in bed.  Which is never a good sign for me.


Kim in Oregon said...

This is when you need to take some deep breaths and then go for a walk with Tap.

Bridget said...

Yeah, taking walks is a good idea. At least you are out in the world.

kathy b said...

That's right about where I am , too. I can't bother with the broken toaster. I can't bother with the keyboard. I need to focus on other priorities. I'm praying for you friend. Praying this passes quick1y

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...