Monday, October 11, 2021

It's Just a Big Ol' Mess

Saturday, I discovered that I had been signed out of almost every website that I use regularly.  Passwords that have been stored on a password-managing site were not working.  Passwords that could be scrounged from memory were not working.  Sites that offered "help" said that password reset links could be sent to registered e-mail addresses.  Do you see the problem there?

I couldn't get to my e-mails either.

Result: lots of pounding and slamming of things, which, oddly, did nothing at all to ease my frustration or solve the problem.

I opened, then closed, a new Facebook account.  Weirdly, it's the loss of Facebook that has gnawed at me the most, despite thinking for months that I shouldn't continue to "support" the site.  Perhaps The Universe has taken care of that for me.

Obviously, I managed to get back here.  My e-mail account seems to be okay, too.  Since most of you who read this are also Facebook followers of mine, just know that you can still reach me if you want to.  

It's all so infuriating.  Not quite that I can't live without computers, but that it can go so sideways so easily.  Also, there's the nagging suspicion that there is something very simple that could be done to solve all this, and I don't know what it is.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

I hear you Kim. I have had nothing but troub1es 1ate1y with my computer, my passwords, my security and on and on. I was ready to chuck it a11. I'm just scraping by in the cyberwor1d. Hope this comment posts

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