Saturday, October 2, 2021

And Now It's Saturday

Amanda commented on Madeleine's size yesterday;  she is a big girl.  Her vet once told me that we've done too good a job controlling her diabetes!  Go figure.

A day spent mostly watching football, which is practically any of my Saturdays --- and Sundays, to be truthful --- this time of year.  The UGA home game today was some sort of ESPN deal, so staying home was even more desirable than usual.  The ESPN buses and trucks have been rolling around town this week, which is sort of cool I suppose.  Personally, I'm more excited when there's a blimp covering the game.  Blimps, I have learned, are surprisingly noisy.


Kim in Oregon said...

When we lived in Eugene, I used to stand outside and watch the blimp as long as I could. Maybe once a season we got a blimp--was Game Day in Athens yesterday by any chance?

kathy b said...

In Chicago, we would see blimps on Sundays when we went to church downtown by Soldiers Field. We haven't seen one in years. I could never get IN one...could you?

Bridget said...

My sister sent me a cut out of the front page of our hometown paper years ago. It had a photo of a heavyset woman, smiling, with a story underneath how she was elected to some municipal position. But sadly, the way it was laid out on the page, you thought the story *next* to the photo was what she was there with. And that headline said, "Blimp Visits Wheeling." Unfortunate, but I think of it whenever I see or hear about a blimp. And I will admit it makes me laugh every time. That poor woman!


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...