Sunday, September 12, 2021

By a Single Vote. . .

 . . . The winner of the first Knitters' Companion:

Bill Nighy

Congratulations to the still blogless Terry, who nominated Mr. Nighy and will receive the Grand Prize.  Dan Levy's nominator, my cousin Jorene (full disclosure and all here), will receive the Second Prize.  

Interestingly, Jorene also nominated Patrick Stewart, who made it to the Semifinals.  I think she deserves a little extra for that, and, since I've stepped back to the semis, I'll send a prize package to Dolly Parton's nominator, Lorette.

Thanks to all for nominating and voting.  I hope you enjoyed yourselves.  We'll be back next year!


Bridget said...

YAY! He is a fave of mine.

Kim in Oregon said...

YAY! Love this result. Congratulations to all the winners! And thank you to Kim!

kathy b said...

Kim, another rea11y fun contest. You put so much work into them. Fun fun fun for us, thank you


My long dental nightmare is over. Finally.  There's still healing to take place, but I can eat and brush and even floss right now.  You...