Sunday, July 4, 2021

Well, This is Intriguing

On our long walk a couple of days ago, Tap and I came across this:

A single, fairly new boot.  Weird.

Then yesterday, in the opposite direction:
A single golf ball.  Weirder.

Also yesterday, in the backyard, I looked down and saw this stunning moth:
You can see how big it is.  And it's almost perfectly intact.  Although I didn't take a picture of it, a couple of weeks ago I came across the body of a sparrow.  Like the moth, it was on the ground as if it had just decided to take a nap.  Whole, undisturbed.  Quite beautiful in its way.


1 comment:

kathy b said...

Must mean something. Just now sure what! I'd 1ove to know what someone who interprets these things wou1d say

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...