Friday, March 26, 2021

Two Kinds of Needles

 Briton and I have each received our first COVID vaccine;  Hannah's first dose is scheduled for Sunday.  Sighs of relief all around, but I had to fight through serious guilt upon making my appointment.  (Why me first when both of them deal with people in public every day?  Especially Hannah.)  Now that we're all on the same page, I feel much better.

Neither Briton nor I had any reactions to the first shot.  My arm was a little sore, but nothing limiting.  Anecdotes are pointing to the second dose for rough things afterward.  I think Hannah and Briton are both going to ask off for the day after their second doses.

I'm closing in on finishing my hooded sweater.  Both sleeves, the front, and the back are done.  The hood is made separately and sewn on, and I have a few more inches to go on it.  As I've been working on it, I've also made two scarves that are bound for the blocking board.


kathy b said...

Kim, you've been super productive. The vaccine guilt thing is very real isn't it? I believe we need to tell ourselves that EVERYONE deserves the vaccine. I don't think they will ever roll it out again this way
I personally, (here we go nurse kathy) feel households need to be vaccinated together.
I know prisoners are humans and their lives are awful, but it was weird ,even as a nurse, to think they all got vaccinated first. You know?
Loved your boots you wore for the shot

Meredith said...

I would not make my appointment for a vaccine until I knew many, many people in dire need had gotten theirs. I am a healthcare worker so qualified but I felt bad taking one from someone who really needed it. There are plenty out there now and many set aside for healthcare workers so I feel better about it all. Glad you are getting yours all sorted.

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...