Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Quarantine has severely limited my boot-wearing.  Last night, though, to go get my stitches taken out, I did get to break out a pair: 

The stitch removal went without any problems.  I'll have a scar for sure, but that's okay.

Pardon the screen in this photo.  I looked out onto the porch from the kitchen and saw Maddie sort of poking out through one of the chairs:

She always looks so comfy.


Kim in Oregon said...

Glad the stitch removal was non-eventful!

kathy b said...

Look at your boots!!!!!!! What a fun thing to collect in life . (along with yarn) Love this pair! Glad the stitches are out!

Lorette said...

Lovely boots! Just wear them around the house. I’m a red lipstick wearer, which has been sort of a bust with the pandemic. I’ve decided to just get up in the morning and put some on to wear at home.

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