Monday, February 1, 2021

What I Said

True to my word, I'm not revisiting what I wrote last time, but I do so appreciate your support.  You're helping lift a burden, and I thank you. 


kathy b said...

Kim, Good girl. Get those meds adjusted. Im so sorry you are in the chokehold of depression. We love you. My therapist is doing all virtual visits and therefore they are waiving our copays. Can you find someone who can do that for you? It is hard to FIND someone in the middle of it, but you might think on whether you want to or not. I hope Georgia also is eliminating co pays. My public radio station had a hour long session with 4 psychiatrists offering help to the audience on line. They gave a lot of websites for the chicago area. I wonder if you public radio site also has some suggestions .

Henri said...

Thank you for sharing tthis

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...