Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Stitches and Flowers

Not flowers that I received because I got stitches.  Rather, flowers that Tap and I saw in the neighborhood today:

 The house where these are also has a bright yellow front door.  Very Springish on this 70-degree February day.

And, the stitches:

You can see the bruising stretching down toward the lower left corner of the photo.  Everything's still a little tender, which is still surprising.  I'm going to keep the stitches covered, as those little ends look like they're on the prowl for something to snag on.


Kim in Oregon said...

Do you need to get stitches removed professionally? Or do they dissolve? Or can someone else take them out? If Tim was there I'd send him over to remove them for you.

It is looking pretty good!

kathy b said...

Your finger looks great though Kim. But yes, keep it covered. Happy you saw flowers anyhow


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