Thursday, February 18, 2021

Probably Tone Deaf

I'm sitting in a warm house with water.  It is almost unfathomable to me that millions in Texas have been, and continue to be, without either.  Knowing that makes what I'm about to post seem glib, but it caused a huge smile and applause on my part today.


We have landed on Mars.
These are pictures of Mars.


Bridget said...

One bad thing does not make it wrong to enjoy good things. Both are valid. MARS - doesn't that seem just like something they made up???

Meredith said...

I did not see it live but did catch bits of it later, amazing feat! It is always good to see good news with all the horrible things going on with the weather in so many places.

kathy b said...

I know!!!!!!! we magically tuned in just in time! Wheeeeee


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...