Friday, January 15, 2021


 My coffee table is laden with

1) a stack of four books.  I can't really concentrate on any of them when I crack their spines;

2) my notebook of lists, ideas, and other detritus;

3) bottles of nail polish, because when I can't focus on anything else, they're something I can put to use;

4) a bottle of water, as it's important to stay hydrated;

5) three balls of yarn for three projects that I can't get going on;

6) a bottle of CBD oil to help me through this blistering headache;

7) a bottle of hand lotion, the Den One;

8) dental floss (TMI yet?);

9) lip balm (less eww-y than the floss);

10) a roll of Scotch tape, for which I have no explanation.

What's up around your place?


Meredith said...

Well mine is filled with toys from Little Buddy, his hotel/elevator toy, a toy bank/safe, a steering wheel and a puzzle. Nothing of mine! Stay safe.

kathy b said...

Ummm: coffee press. Ca t leash. Throws : knitting scissors and. Clipboard. Peptobismal


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...