Saturday, January 2, 2021

Currently Coveting

Twinnie's sense of humor.  Check out her comment on the previous post.

The sunglasses Snoop Dogg is wearing in his Corona commercials.  Honestly --- they are way sharp.

The weather anywhere there's snow.

Several days in a hotel on a beach, my balcony looking out over the water.


Kim in Oregon said...

Agree totally with you on the Snoop Dogg sunglasses. That's so funny--I was literally thinking "I love those, I wonder who makes them" when I saw that commercial.

Kim in Oregon said...

I'm not convinced these are them:

Lora said... Someone on Reddit found them:

kathy b said...

Coveting: a lil dog with one eye that I don't think we will get.

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...