Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Reading, Writing, Random Lists

Kathy has asked if my list of boat names is of ones I've made up;  it is.  I have a running list of Boat Names, a running list of names I've made up for colors (yarn and/or nail polish), a running list of names I've made up for old British pubs, and a running list of My Favorite Words (not ones I've made up --- actual ones.)  Lists like that are fun for me.  Truth be told, I get as much happiness from the physical act of writing things down than actually concocting a list.  I love to move a pen across paper.

Turning now to ink that has already been put to paper, today's BYOB prompt:
The title of a mystery novel

My answer, again from Deep Down Dark:
"It's Not in My Hands"


Bridget said...

The Malacology Dept where I work has a list posted on their bulletin board of Words That Are Not Acceptable. Not curse words, etc., but words they have all agreed are unpleasant. I love looking at it!

kathy b said...

I am such a list maker. Lists are all over the place, here. I love Deep DOWN DARk. And i love the quote Thanks Kim

kmkat said...

I love your lists! It would be fun to start some of my own.

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...